The following school histories were painstakingly compiled by Mary Lewis, who was President from 2009-2012.
In the second half of the nineteenth century, the population of Battersea started to increase partly due to the introduction of the railways which gave easier access to areas closer to the then existing conurbation of London. Many Catholics were among this expanding population and in 1868 a new church Our Lady of Mount Carmel & St Joseph was built to the east of Battersea Park. In 1870 the Sisters of Notre Dame came to Battersea recognising the need for Catholic Schools for the poor children in the area. A convent was built thanks to the generosity of Sister Mary of St Francis (the Hon Laura Petre) to whom Catholic education in England owes so much. A public elementary school and a private day school were erected on the same site. On May 26th1870, the house and school opened and the Sisters began their work.
In the immediate years following, the Sisters took charge of other Catholic schools in the area.
By 1899 the convent and day school had become too small for the increasing numbers. Two ground floor classrooms had already been built and two more storeys were added to provide accommodation for boarders. One of the downstairs classrooms was extended and a new convent chapel was built above. The extended room below became for the school hall.
In 1901 the day school ceased to exist and it reopened as “Notre Dame High school for Young Ladies” and in 1904 it was officially recognised by the Board of Education. In august 1906 the London County Council granted permission for the acceptance of LCC County Scholarship holders. As a result the numbers rose from 45 to 112 and the future of the school was secured.
In 1907 a new wing was built which included a large hall with classrooms and dormitories above.
Being situated in London the Sisters and their pupils were very conscious of the events of the time.Here are some excerpts from the annals
23rd May 1900 “The Sisters remained up till 10 o’clock to look at the torchlight procession in hour of the relief of Mafeking”
28th April 1909 “Recreation at dinner for the great event of Man flying from London to Manchester”
7th May 1910 “Recreation at dinner to talk about King Edward who lies dead in Buckingham Palace”
At the beginning of the First World War, Sisters and children from Belgium sought refuge and hospitality with the Sisters of Battersea
June 1917 “the Corpus Christi procession had to be diverted from its usual course as the lawn has been planted with potatoes. “
At the outbreak of the Second World war in 1939 the whole High School (Sisters and pupils) was evacuated to Llandovery in Wales. All returned in 1943.
There were no resident pupils after 1919 and the dormitories were converted into classrooms and a library. The school was further expanded after the second world war and in 1972 the grammar school became comprehensive. The building opposite, formerly Battersea County School was taken over the accommodate the increase in numbers. The school closed in 1982 and the building was sold. It is now known as the Cloisters.
With thanks to Mary Donaghey and M Bloomfield
Birkdale was founded in 1868 . It was a little convent based in Clyde House which consisted of six rooms and a kitchen. In 1869 the High School was opened and when the number of pupils reached twenty three it had to move to Oaklands a much larger house near St Josephs’s Church.
In 1878 the main building of the Convent was finished and the boarding school was opened. The day school later moved to another house in Albert Road.The house next to the convent was acquired – St Anne’s and in 1910 yet another house ‘St Joseph’s to which the day school was transferred.
Birkdale grew, with the Sisters teaching in the elementary schools and later opening a day and boarding school. The secondary school flourished until the introduction of a national policy of comprehensive schools in the 1960s led to its closure – much to the regret of the local community.
The School itself was demolished in 1982
However, the Notre Dame order continued to be active in education in Southport with Sisters teaching and undertaking chaplaincy work at Christ the King School for many years.
Birkdale ND Association closed during the 1990s
Such was the reputation of the Sisters of Notre Dame following their arrival in England in 1845 that requests from Parish Priests around the country were being made for the Sisters to provide education for the poor in their parishes. In 1850 Fr Kaye of St Albans Parish in Blackburn had heard of the reputation of the Sisters of Notre Dame and asked for some Sisters to come to provide some education in his parish. When they arrived it is reported that they were viewed with some curiosity by the locals.
They occupied a small house in Paradise Street provided by the parish.We have no information about where in fact their pupils were taught.
Sisters often arrived at a parish one day and started teaching the next!
In February 1859 Brookhouse Lodge was purchased from Edward Kenworthy with money from Hon Laura Petre (later Sr Mary of St Francis)
The Sisters of Notre Dame moved across town to the Brookhouse site in 1859. Work on the new school was completed in 1862. Later, more land was purchased, and the school was extended. For a number of years the Convent was a Boarding school as well as a Day school, later becoming a Grammar school and, in September 1978, a mixed Comprehensive.
July 1987 marked the end of Notre Dame education in the town, one hundred and thirty seven years after the arrival of the Sisters in Blackburn.
The school amalgamated with St. John Rigby High School to create Our Lady and St. John High School.
A former pupil and Blackburn NDA member, Eileen Tomlinson made this video in 2010 about the school before and after the buildings were demolished You may find this interesting and also moving.
The following link is to the ‘cottontown site’ where you will find the video ‘Stepping Back in Time’.
BFNDA members from all associations may also be interested in the following poems by George Hull (1863-1933)
One is an ode to a Sister of Notre Dame by whom he seems to have been educated in his early years and the second is a poem/prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary and looks as if it was written during the First World War.
George Hull poems
The Blackburn ND Association disbanded sometime in the 1980s
The Sisters of Notre Dame came to Clapham in 1848 following their first attempt to establish a thriving school in Penryn. Within two weeks of arriving n Clapham they had begun a Poor school in their house in Bedford Road. Later they received new boarders and they also took over the Catholic girls elementary school in Park Road. Lack of funding was a real problem however.
When Hon Laura Petre entered the Notre Dame Novitiate in 1850 she placed her inheritance at the disposal of the Order’s educational work. Clapham was one of the first beneficiaries. In 1851 the Thornton estate was bought by the Sisters. The central Georgian buildings were originally the residence of the Thorntons. John Thornton was an Evangelical and a philanthropist who lived here until his death in 1790. His son Robert lived in the adjacent house.
The buildings housed a boarding and day school for girls which produced income for the establishment of a girls primary school in St Mary’s parish.
Clapham ND Convent School closed in 1939. After the war the Notre Dame Council House Estate was built on the site.
Clapham ND Association closed sometime in the 1970s. As far as the BFNDA is concerned their most notable alumna was Mrs Winefride D’hopital who was instrumental in bringing the various ND Associations together to form the BFNDA in 1929
The Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur first came to Leeds in 1898. Sister Marie Eugenie as Superior with four other sisters arrived in August 1898 to open a new convent in St Mark’s Ave. This was at the invitation of Canon Croskell of St. Anne’s Cathedral who wished the Sisters to provide a Pupil Teacher’s centre and at the same time, take charge of the schools of which he was manager, namely St Anne’s Higher Grade, St Anne’s Cathedral Schools and the Holy Rosary School. Canon Croskell also was instrumental in bringing the Jesuits to Leeds some years later. He is remembered by a plaque beneath the Perpetual Succour Ikon to the right of the Lady Chapel in the Cathedral.
In September 1898, only a month after their arrival, the Sisters opened the schools being assisted by many Pupil Teachers who taught during the day and themselves studied each evening and at weekends for the Entrance Examination to Training College. They were instructed by the Sisters who themselves had also done a full day’s work. The early days were hard.
The formal opening on 12th October 1905 of the newly built Notre Dame Collegiate School was the culmination of much planning and the surmounting of many difficulties and setbacks. In 1920 two netball courts were added and also the new Chapel and the extension to the convent. In more recent years Trinity, Cuvilly the Holy Lawn and the Bottom Courts have disappeared to make way for more classrooms and specialist accommodation.
From those small beginning in 1905 when there were 7 teachers and 75 pupils, 11 boarders and 64 day girls, numbers grew steadily until the 1930s when numbers (including boarders) increased to 300.
At the outbreak of WW2 St Anne’s Higher Grade were evacuated to Kirk Sandal, the Junior Collegiate pupils to Boston Spa and the Seniors to Lincoln.
During the post war years the numbers of pupils grew to 600+. These were day girls living locally or travelling in from the West Riding. In the early sixties the school changed its name to Notre Dame Grammar School, no doubt to reflect the fact that the school had become a Direct Grant School and although in the ten years or so after the war there were still some paying pupils, the majority, having passed the eleven plus, were being paid for by the local education authority.
In the 1970s the Sisters handed over the school to the Diocese of Leeds in order to channel their talents in other directions. In 1978 there was yet another name change, this time to Notre Dame High School. The school in common with all the other Diocesan Direct Grant Schools became a comprehensive school for girls aged 13-19 years.
Another decade and another change , for in 1989, the school, still on the original site, became Notre Dame Sixth Form College. The sixth forms of Mount St Mary’s, St Michael’s and Notre Dame were merged to become a Sixth Form College which now has over 2000 pupils. Many of the buildings are unrecognisable but much of the convent and the chapel have been taken over by Leeds University Catholic Chaplaincy.
Our thanks go to Margaret Green for this short history
For further information about Notre Dame Sixth Form College or Contact Us
The Leeds Association closed almost 20 years ago but some former members keep in touch via the Direct Members Association . A few meet up for lunch on occasion. Details may be found on the Other Events page.
The Sisters came to Manchester in 1851 to Stock Street next to St. Chad’s church. In 1893 they moved to larger premises in Bignor Street. This building had previously been Cheetham Reform Club. As the school grew, the buildings were extended along Heywood Street and Bignor Street. Many former pupils will remember the new buildings of 1954, 1962 1964, 1970 and 1973.
In 1977, the Catholic Secondary Schools of Manchester were reorganised into Comprehensive High Schools. Notre Dame High School closed in July 1977 and Our Lady’s High School opened in September linking Notre Dame and St Clare’s Blackley.
The pupils were taught on both sites until 1981 when the Bignor site closed and new classrooms were built on the Blackley site. The last two Headteachers at the school were Sr Mary of the Dolours SND 1948-1960 and Sr. Marie Therésè SND 1960-1977.
The school and convent have since been demolished and replaced by a housing estate.
Submitted by Veronica Miles
Convent of Notre Dame, Bignor St Manchester Chapel as seen from the Garden
This picture was taken in March 2011 by Pauline Yates. It shows a stone plaque which used to be outside the main door of the convent and which is now incorporated into a wall on the Housing Estate.
PRESIDENT Margaret Dolan SECRETARY Judith Maher
The Northampton School was established in 1852 after a merger of two Orders. The Sisters of Jesus who had been resident in Northampton since 1845 were in danger of closure as four of their Sisters had died in a typhus epidemic and so it was suggested that they join the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur. In the 19th and early 20th centuries Northampton had a very small Catholic community, so the school had a large number of non-Catholic students. In 1870 a new building was erected dominating the eastern end of Abington Street in the town centre. There were additions to the school buildings in 1938 and in 1950 a Domestic Science and Biology block was built. By 1970 the building was obviously unsuitable for the needs of a modern Comprehensive school and its future became doubtful.
Amongst many things the school was noted for its musical successes. Sister Gabriel and Sister Gerard (in charge of elocution) produced Nativity plays and entered choirs, soloists and speakers for the local Eisteddfod. Northampton Notre Dame earned a reputation for winning most of the top awards.
Sister Gabriel also liaised with the Notre Dame Association to start a musical society and the choir entered for Eisteddfods and performed many Gilbert and Sullivan operettas. Sadly the school closed in 1975 and the building was demolished. Existing pupils transferred to the Thomas Becket Comprehensive School. Submitted by José Sear
At the end of a lane called Notre Dame Mews (off Abington Street) is the Sisters’ cemetery – all that remains of Notre Dame.
If you click here you can read an update on the restoration of the cemetery
Submitted by Margaret Bradbury
Notre Dame, however, still lives on in the flourishing Association. The Annual General meeting and Reunion is the highlight of the year with over 160 members still attending.
PRESIDENT Mrs Hilary Helm JP SECRETARY Mrs Kathleen Fisher